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Monday, October 22, 2007

IV International short film contest on the theme of Intercultural Dialogue

“ANOTHER LOOK” is a short film contest organised by the association Association Artistique Espèce d’Espace in collaboration with Fondazione Mediterraneo and with the support of Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures. The objective of the contest is to favour mutual knowledge and understanding between the peoples of the two rivers of the Mediterranean through a “cinema of proximity” supplied by cinema via Internet.

The subject for the short films and synopsis is intercultural dialogue between the European Union and the countries of the Southern river of the Mediterranean: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

The contest Direction will select 10 short films (which will be awarded 500 Euros) and 3 synopsis (prize 4.000 euros). The authors of the synopsis engage themselves to make the short films. Selected short films will be diffused on the Internet on as from April 2008.

Particular attention will be given to those works that:
  • Underline the importance of dialogue and tolerance in the relations among peoples and cultures;
  • Give a new look, original and innovative about themes such as integration, immigration, menaces of conflict;
  • Enhance the knowledge and understanding of other cultures as a way to fight against prejudices, clichés, stereotypes, sources of conflicts and misunderstandings;
  • Deal about collective imaginaries and mutual representations;
  • Underline the diversity and richness of peoples of both sides of the Mediterranean;
  • Attach importance to the right to difference.

The “Another Look” contest has been divided into two sections: ‘Inspiration’ and ‘Completed Shorts’.

Inspiration: 3 prizes of 4,000 euros will be awarded by an international jury to the best synopsis on the theme of intercultural dialogue. The money will go towards the realisation of a short film based on the selected synopsis. Closing date for the synopsis is 5 November 2007; filmmakers will have until 31 March 2008 to make their short films.

Completed Shorts: 10 prizes of 500 euros will be awarded by an international jury on the theme of intercultural dialogue. Closing date for sending films is 10 December 2007.

For further details visit

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